Employee Spotlight: Andy Ngo

Employee Spotlight: Andy Ngo
Nickname: Annie
Delivery Route: Field Service Rep
Tenure: 3 Years
Hometown: El Cerrito, CA
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Ghirardelli Chocolate: Caramel
Sports Team:  Golden State Warriors
Radio Station: 106.1, KMEL

What’s the first thing you plan on doing once the shelter-in-place is lifted? I had to cancel my vacation to Hawaii earlier this year. So, as soon as travel bans are lifted and it is safe to fly, I look forward to rebooking my trip!

What is your favorite Bay Area restaurant? Crustacean, located on the third floor of 1475 Polk Street in San Francisco. I always enjoy getting the Dungeness crab. It’s always cooked to perfection and seasoned just right.

Who is your favorite coworker and why? All of the guys in the warehouse are my buddies. If I had to single out one, I would have to pick Patrick, who currently runs Route 2. He is a very hard worker and we share alot of common interests like our love for bulldogs.

Do you have any pets? Yes I have alot of pets! I have an English Bulldog named Lulu and a black cat named Midnight. I also own 2 lizards, a snake and a turtle.

What was your first job? When I was 16 and still in highschool, I applied for my first job at Berkeley Bowl as a cart pusher. 

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why? I’m a reliable coworker. I’m willing to stop what I am doing to help others in need. I’ve become one of the ‘go to’ drivers for our customer service department because I always promptly respond to their requests even when I’m out in the field with our customers.

Do you have any plans for the 4th of July? I probably shouldn’t say this, but I plan on lighting some fireworks. My close friend also owns a warehouse and I plan on going over there for a small potluck with some friends and family.

What’s your favorite hobby? I would have to say fishing. Ever since I was a little boy, my dad use to always take me out on the weekends and since then, it’s grown into my favorite hobby. I prefer to fish off the ocean but from time to time I will throw a line in the freshwaters.

If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose? As it relates to fishing, I would have to say Jeremy Wade. If you haven’t heard of him, maybe you have heard of the show River Monsters. As his career, he goes around baiting big fish. It would be fun to have his hobby as my career and make money doing something I already love to do.

How do you keep yourself energized at work? Redbull.

If you were an office supply, which one would you be and why? I would be a day planner. Its sole purpose is to be organized, stay on task, and get things done.

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