Employee Spotlight: Pam Carbonell

Employee Spotlight: Pam Carbonell
Name: Pam Carbonell
Position:  Sales, South Bay
Tenure: 8 Years
Hometown: San Leandro, CA
Astrological Sign: Leo
Ghirardelli Chocolate: Sea Salt Almond
Restaurant: Anything Italian
Sports Team: Oakland A’s

What’s your go-to productivity trick? Coffee.

What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from? I can’t say it’s the best advice but it just resonated with me since I was a little girl, “When you see someone without a smile, give them yours.”….I know its cheesy! It most likely from some cheesy textbook that I read in grade school!

How do you like your coffee? Philz Greater Haze ( ½ Greater Alarm + ½ Hazelnut ) sweetened with brown sugar and oat milk. 

What do you enjoy most about your job? Meeting new people and forming lasting friendships along the way.

What is your favorite product category to sell to customers and why? Furniture. It just feels gratifying for me to see the end result and knowing that I just created a beautiful/efficient work space for people who will look forward to going in to their newly furnished office.

If you could be an office supply item, which one would you be and why? A Pilot Frixion retractable gel pen!!! Try it and you’ll see how life changing it is!

Do you have any vacation or travel plans for 2022? Disneyland with my grandsons during their summer break is what I’m most excited about.

Do you have a secret talent or favorite weekend hobby you can share? They call me the “bike whisperer” around the neighborhood and amongst my family. I taught kids in our neighborhood, nieces, nephews and grandkids how to ride a two-wheeler for the very first time so I always have them to ride with on the weekends.

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? Wine and watching episodes of Real Housewives or Disney+ Marvel series with my grandkids.

If you could trade places for one workday with any living person, who would it be and why? Ellen DeGeneres… because she’s Ellen…

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